Remembering Colin Hamilton…..

Hello dear Colin! This may seem a little crazy but I am going to write this as if you can hear every word, as clearly as a broadcast on the world service! I hope there is consciousness after death in which case you will be able to enjoy sharing these sentiments that I should have shared with you before you were abruptly snatched from our reach. If you can not hear this , it’s okay I would still like to honour you with these thoughts and souvenirs of your life.

Colin you are a  gentleman, gracious, trusting with a refined taste for the better things in life. You are witty , kind and gentle and you have made this world a happier better place. As moderator of our Puerto Vallarta Writers Group  you inspired and entertained us with the wealth of knowledge you had acquired over the many years that you worked in the broadcasting industry. Thank you for sharing your accumulated years of wisdom and enriching our writers group.

Colin you have a mischievous side too that we enjoyed. You said you had problems remembering names. Funny, Colin you had no problem remembering all my names ! And then playfully putting me on the spot ” Are your Dr Jane Alabaster or Mrs Ortega? You had a talent for languages too, fluent in Swahili but you also spoke some Spanish , with a BBC British accent giving it some extra style! We all have querks and those that are friends love them.

So Colin you have been catapulted into the after life and are voyaging on. I hope you have found some fellow travellers to share this special journey. Your untimely death reminds us of how fragile life is, and how important this present is. There may be no tomorrow to laugh, sing and celebrate this life and share our love for the ones we love. Colin you are very loved by many. We miss you, but I do look forward to seeing you again on that shoreless land where there is space and silence giving birth to glorious possibilities.

About Charlotte Ortega

I am a family physician and writer.I am an active member of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group and I am coordinating this years International Writers Conference to be held in March in association with Los Mangos Library.Winters are spent in Mexico to escape the cold and the summers in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I am British born but have not lived in the U.K. since 1997. My blog is intended to inform would be travellers and those who view Mexico as a preferred retirement destination on every aspect of living in Mexico, the good and the other...My husband Humberto is Mexican and is a font of knowlege on the diverse cultural and social nuances which exist in this vibrant and colourful country.
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